
Tibor Digana edited comment on SUREFIRE-1623 at 5/7/19 1:35 PM:

I found in the dump (from building Surefire project) that the std/out pipes are 
broken on your system or JVM 1.8.
The reason is that {{PrintStream.checkError()}} returned {{true}} while writing 
to std/out.
It has nothing to do with sub=process {{TempWmicBatchFile.bat}}. We are talking 
about another pipe (forked JVM, and shared memory used by that process and 
Maven process) which sends events about the status of particular tests. The 
pipe is somehow waiting untill overflow as it seems.
This does not happen on well performing JVM. So. My advice is to install a new 
OS on stoned box with Windows 7 or 10, or Ubuntu 18. This way you can confirm 
that it was an issue with old Windows XP or JVM installation.
I will check the existence of dump files on my very old box as well and I will 
let you know what I found this week.

We are working on TCP/IP communication and Enrico has a progress on it. We want 
to use TCP/IP by default and avoid process pipes. So this is a positive 
information and we want to use TCP/IP communication right in the following 
release {{3.0.0-M4}}.

was (Author: tibor17):
I found that in the dump (from building Surefire project) the std/out pipes are 
broken on your system or JVM 1.8.
The reason is that {{PrintStream.checkError()}} returned {{true}} while writing 
to std/out.
It has nothing to do with subprocess {{TempWmicBatchFile.bat}}. We are talking 
about another pipe (forked JVM, and shared memory used by that process and 
Maven process) which sends events about the status of particular tests. The 
pipe somehow waits untill overflow as it seems.
This does not happen on well performing JVM. So. My advice is to install a new 
OS on stoned box with Windows 7 or 10, or Ubuntu 18. This way you can confirm 
that it was an issue with old Windows XP or JVM installation.
I will check the existence of dump files on my very old box as well and I will 
let you know this week what I found.

We are working on TCP/IP communication and Enrico has a progress on it. We want 
to use TCP/IP by default and avoid process pipes. So this is a positive 
information and we want to use TCP/IP communication right in the following 
release {{3.0.0-M4}}.

> TempWmicBatchFile.bat is left in project dirs after surefire tests are run
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-1623
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1623
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.0-M3
>            Reporter: Chris Graham
>            Assignee: Tibor Digana
>            Priority: Blocker
>         Attachments: 2019-05-06T22-39-26_587-jvmRun1.dumpstream, 
> reproduce-surefire-issue master.zip
> When the WMIC command it run to obtain the process start time, the current 
> implementation leaves behind a batch file, TempWmicBatchFile.bat, which is 
> zero bytes long.
> This file needs to be removed post execution.
> Leaving it behind will interfere with the release plugin as a scm status call 
> will fail with files needing to be added. Simply ignoring the file is a very 
> sloppy approach.

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