
David M. Lloyd commented on MCOMPILER-320:

I don't have the bandwidth at present to provide a test, but it would merely 
have to illustrate that classes from the {{additionalClassPathElements}} are 
visible to {{javac}}.

[~rfscholte], making the dependency {{optional}} means that the dependency is 
still in the model, which we do not want.  Adding dependencies such as the 
stubbed {{jdk-misc}} would result in execution errors in _any_ circumstances, 
therefore it is not "optional" (more like "forbidden").  But if I haven't 
explained it sufficiently to you by now, then I imagine there's nothing more I 
can say to help you understand the need for this.

> Allow additional class path items to be given during compilation
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MCOMPILER-320
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MCOMPILER-320
>             Project: Maven Compiler Plugin
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: David M. Lloyd
>            Priority: Major
> At present it is very difficult to include additional class path items during 
> compilation that are not dependencies.  But this is a very useful capability, 
> especially when doing partial builds, MR JARs, JDK API stubbing, including 
> dependency items that cannot be included in any other build phase or 
> execution, etc.
> This enhancement and pull request are to request the addition of a 
> {{additionalCompilePathItems}} property in CompilerMojo or 
> AbstractCompilerMojo which includes additional filesystem paths in the 
> compilation class path.

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