
Andreas Dangel edited comment on MPMD-276 at 4/6/19 3:21 PM:

Hi [~albert.motos],

do you have more info about the problem?

I can't reproduce the issue - the file type does not matter. It works with 
cpd_exclude.txt as well as with exclude-cpd.properties. We just read the file. 
Technically, it is actually more a text file than a properties file, but that 
really doesn't matter. We read it line by line...

I'll adjust our test case to use the file "my-exclude-cpd.properties" to match 
what we have in the example documentation.




Edit: By the way, the official mirror on github for this plugin is here: 

was (Author: adangel):
Hi [~albert.motos],

do you have more info about the problem?

I can't reproduce the issue - the file type does not matter. It works with 
cpd_exclude.txt as well as with exclude-cpd.properties. We just read the file. 
Technically, it is actually more a text file than a properties file, but that 
really doesn't matter. We read it line by line...

I'll adjust our test case to use the file "my-exclude-cpd.properties" to match 
what we have in the example documentation.



> DOC of excludeFromFailureFile for cpd-check is wrong
> ----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MPMD-276
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPMD-276
>             Project: Maven PMD Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: CPD
>            Reporter: Albert Motos González
>            Priority: Major
> Hi,
> How you can see on your page: 
> [https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-pmd-plugin/examples/violation-exclusions.html]
>  for exclude failureFiles in cpd-check the example is
> exclude-cpd.properties. After a lot of hours of test, looking the source of 
> original pmd plugin code: 
> [https://github.com/sturton/maven-pmd-plugin/blob/master/src/test/resources/unit/excludes/cpd_exclude.txt]
>  you can see that file must be of type txt.
> The change of wiki is cosmetic but I loose a lot of time trying it, and it's 
> frustrating. And it help a lot of developers
> Thanks in advance,
> exclude-cpd.properties

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