Bruno Borges created ARCHETYPE-561: -------------------------------------- Summary: Plugin picks 1.0 version of archetype when versionId not specified Key: ARCHETYPE-561 URL: Project: Maven Archetype Issue Type: Bug Components: Generator Affects Versions: 3.0.1 Reporter: Bruno Borges
When creating a project out of an archetype without specifying -DarchetypeVersion, the generator will use version 1.0, even though the maven-metadata.xml points to a later version. The command is the following, for a clean user local repository Maven setup: {{mvn archetype:generate \}} {{ -DarchetypeGroupId='' \}} {{ -DarchetypeArtifactId='azure-functions-archetype' \}} {{ -DgroupId='com.function.hello' \}} {{ -DartifactId='helloworld' \}} {{ -Dversion='1.0-SNAPSHOT' \}} {{ -Dpackage='com.function.hello' \}} {{ -DappName='helloworld-1554551180252' \}} {{ -B -DarchetypeCatalog=internal}} Now, even though -DarchetypeCatalog=internal is provided, and because the archetype does not exist in the local repository, Maven does download version 1.0 of this archetype's groupId/artifactId by default, ignoring the <latest> version specified in Maven Central's maven-metadata.xml As one can see in the maven-metadata.xml [1], the latest version is 1.21 (or higher). [1] [] -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.6.3#76005)