
Zoran Regvart commented on MCHECKSTYLE-166:

{quote}Please note that the dependency resolution itself does not cost much 
these days anymore.

This is false, it costs several network round trips if dependency is not 
present or needs to be updated. Having a, in my opinion, a fringe, non-best 
practice use case, impede the most common use case is not a good solution here. 
Any dependencies needed by maven-checkstyle-plugin should be declared in the 
plugin's own dependencies.

> Drop @requiresDependencyResolution test
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: MCHECKSTYLE-166
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MCHECKSTYLE-166
>             Project: Maven Checkstyle Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.8
>         Environment: N/A
>            Reporter: Ernst de Haan
>            Assignee: Mark Struberg
>            Priority: Minor
> Currently, the 
> [{{CheckstyleViolationCheckMojo}}|http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/maven/plugins/tags/maven-checkstyle-plugin-2.8/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/checkstyle/CheckstyleViolationCheckMojo.java?revision=1188083&view=markup]
>  class declares:{code}@requiresDependencyResolution test{code}However, that 
> should not be necessary. Checkstyle works on source files, not on bytecode.
> If this declaration would be removed, then this Checkstyle plugin should 
> still work perfectly fine (I would expect without any further code changes).
> The advantage would be that in our Continuous Integration pipeline I can skip 
> the _compile_ stage and immediately trigger the _checkstyle_ stage. That 
> would save us multiple minutes on the feedback roundtrip.

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