
John Patrick commented on SUREFIRE-1170:

according to the javadoc skipTests will be removed in v3.0.0 is this still the 

happy to look into to doing this work...

1) do you still want skipTests to exist?

1.1) fail execute if skipTests is still defined?

1.1) output warning if skipTests is still defined?

2) surefire.skipTests or unit.skipTest or skipUnitTests or other value?

2.1) default to skipTests value if defined?

3) failsafe.skipTests or unit.skipTest or skipUnitTests or skipITs or other 

3.1) default to skipTests value if defined?

4) remove other properties?

4.1) maven.test.skip.exec?


> skiptTests=true is used by maven-surefire-plugin as well as of 
> maven-failsafe-plugin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-1170
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1170
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Maven Failsafe Plugin, Maven Surefire Plugin
>    Affects Versions: 2.18.1
>            Reporter: Karl Heinz Marbaise
>            Priority: Major
> By using the properties {{skipTests=true}} will skip the tests for 
> maven-surefire-plugin as well as for maven-failsafe-plugin.
> So currently it's not simple to make a separation of skipping either unit 
> tests (maven-surefire-plugin) or integration tests (maven-failsafe-plugin).
> maven-failsafe-plugin has a property {{skipITs=true}} which will skip the 
> integration tests.

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