
Mattias Malmgren updated SUREFIRE-1548:
Parallel Test Execution forkCount controls the number of threads being used. 
 Would it be possible to start the threads with a delay between each test being 
 much like Apache Jmeter works?
 We want to run multiple tests in parallel, but when 100 tests start at the 
very same time it puts a lot of load on the system under test. If we could 
start each test with a delay between the tests, then it would not stress our 
application so hard.

EG to delay each test started with 10 seconds:

 {{ </{color:#000080}executions{color}>}}

Parallel Test Execution forkCount controls the number of threads being used. 
 Would it be possible to start the threads with a delay between each test being 
 much like Apache Jmeter works?
 We want to run multiple tests in parallel, but when 100 tests start at the 
very same time it puts a lot of load on the system under test. If we could 
start each test with a delay between the tests, then it would stress our 
application so hard.

EG to delay each test started with 10 seconds:

 {{ </{color:#000080}executions{color}>}}

> Parallel Test Execution, ramp up time
> -------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-1548
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1548
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Maven Failsafe Plugin
>            Reporter: Mattias Malmgren
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: features
> Parallel Test Execution forkCount controls the number of threads being used. 
>  Would it be possible to start the threads with a delay between each test 
> being started, 
>  much like Apache Jmeter works?
>  We want to run multiple tests in parallel, but when 100 tests start at the 
> very same time it puts a lot of load on the system under test. If we could 
> start each test with a delay between the tests, then it would not stress our 
> application so hard.
> EG to delay each test started with 10 seconds:
> {quote}{{<{color:#000080}plugin{color}>}}
> <{color:#000080}groupId{color}>org.apache.maven.plugins</{color:#000080}groupId{color}>
> <{color:#000080}artifactId{color}>maven-failsafe-plugin</{color:#000080}artifactId{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}version{color}>2.19.1</{color:#000080}version{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}executions{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}execution{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}id{color}>acceptance-test</{color:#000080}id{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}phase{color}>integration-test</{color:#000080}phase{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}goals{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}goal{color}>integration-test</{color:#000080}goal{color}>
>    </{color:#000080}goals{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}configuration{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}forkCount{color}>100</{color:#000080}forkCount{color}>
>  <{color:#000080}reuseForks{color}>true</{color:#000080}reuseForks{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}includes{color}>
>    <{color:#000080}include{color}>**/*IT.class</{color:#000080}include{color}>
>    </{color:#000080}includes{color}>
>    </{color:#000080}configuration{color}>
>  </{color:#000080}execution{color}>
>  {{ </{color:#000080}executions{color}>}}
>  {{</{color:#000080}plugin{color}>}}
> {quote}

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