[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2631?page=comments#action_78507 ] 
Sebastian Krebs commented on MNG-2631:

 my fault, I've forgotten to write the following.

I've specified those two repositories in my settings.xml as well.

  <name>Internal Repository</name>
  <name>Snaphshot Repository</name>

This is my parent.pom

  <name> Internal Repository</name>
  <name>Internal Snapshot Repository</name>

and all my other projects inherit from this one.

Deploying works fine, in internal repo and in snapshotrepo as well.

Getting the dependencies works correct as long as I define a "normal" version 
like <version>1.0</version> in dependencies

But if I use a version-range, something like <version>[0.8,)</version>
I get the reported error.

> M2 searches artefacts in wrong repo when using ranges
> -----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-2631
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2631
>             Project: Maven 2
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Artifacts and Repositories
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.4
>         Environment: Two repos, one internal for releases and one internal 
> for snapshots (snapshotRepository) specified in <distributionmanagement>
>            Reporter: Sebastian Krebs
> <dependency>
>             ...
> <version>[0.8,)</version>
>             ...
> </dependency>
> I get following error while compile this second project:
> Downloading: 
> http://{myServer}/internal/{groupId}/{artifactId}/1.0/{artefactId}-1.0.pom
> Downloading: 
> http://{myServer}/snapshot/{groupId}/{artifactId}/1.0/{artefactId}-1.0.jar
> It looks like Maven searches the pom on my internal repo and the belonging  
> artefact on the snapshotRepo.
> As I have understood, reading BetterBuildsWithMaven site 215, Maven should 
> find my artefact in my "normal" repo.

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