
Andreas Sewe commented on MSHARED-665:

[~rfscholte] That’s good news.

> ASMDependencyAnalyzer.analyze(...) returns non-classes
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSHARED-665
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHARED-665
>             Project: Maven Shared Components
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: maven-dependency-analyzer
>    Affects Versions: maven-dependency-analyzer-1.7
>            Reporter: Andreas Sewe
>         Attachments: example.zip
> The {{ASMDependencyAnalyzer}} returns far to many bogus entries, which are 
> not class names at all.
> The following is taken when the attached example project analyzes itself 
> ({{java -jar target/dependency-analyzer-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 
> file:target/dependency-analyzer-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar}}):
> {noformat}
> Error retrieving checksum file for 
> charset=([.[^; ]]*)
> java.lang.reflect.Array
> Unable to resolve context key: 
> RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations
> javax.swing.tree.TreeModel
> Repetition count must be > 0
> project information for 
> empty
> {noformat}
> Note that this is not a problem in the classic {{dependency:analyze}} use 
> case: The goal simply computes the set of class dependencies (which contain 
> the aforementioned bogus class names) of the current project and compares 
> them with the set of classes of its dependencies (this set is fine). 
> If one wants to use the {{ASMDependencyAnalyzer}} as a standalone component, 
> however, these bogus class name make it pretty much *useless*.
> Also, even in the {{dependency:analyze}} case, operating with sets that are a 
> lot larger than necessary (there are typically way more strings than class 
> names) may impact performance.

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