
Matthias Hanisch commented on ARCHETYPE-492:

Just to let everybody else know my workaround:

In archetype-metadata I created a requiredProperty like this:

<requiredProperty key="underscoreArtifactId">

The above filename can be now written as 
This avoids the triple-underscore-problem

> Underscore in filenames problematic due to greedy regex
> -------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ARCHETYPE-492
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARCHETYPE-492
>             Project: Maven Archetype
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Plugin
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>         Environment: Windows 7, Sun JDK
>            Reporter: Oliver Dungey
> If you have a file in a project with an underscore adjacent to a substitution 
> variable, the substitution will fail i.e.
> if {{artifactId}} is 'Test' and a target file is to be named 
> {{something_test.txt}} the file in the template should be named 
> {{something____artifactId__.txt}} (3 underscores in the middle) but the 
> result is an error stating that the property {{_artifactId}} cannot be found. 
> This is because the term inside the regex is a greedy .*  - a simple fix 
> would be to change this to something like __[^_]*___  which would only match 
> non-underscore characters.
> Fixing this issue would allow the use of underscores in filenames in all 
> circumstances rather than the current situation where you may get lucky. The 
> only down side to fixing this issue is that properties with leading or 
> trailing underscores will not be valid - this seems a far more preferable 
> situation.
> A patch for this issue was put on this bug back in 01//2009 but somehow got 
> ignored - see [~maslovalex] patch and comments at the end of this issue: 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARCHETYPE-191
> Apologies for the formatting - it appears double underscores are an issue :-)

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