Andreas Sewe created MSHARED-665: ------------------------------------ Summary: ASMDependencyAnalyzer.analyze(...) returns non-classes Key: MSHARED-665 URL: Project: Maven Shared Components Issue Type: Bug Components: maven-dependency-analyzer Affects Versions: maven-dependency-analyzer-1.7 Reporter: Andreas Sewe Attachments:
The {{ASMDependencyAnalyzer}} returns far to many bogus entries, which are not class names at all. The following is taken when the attached example project analyzes itself ({{java -jar target/dependency-analyzer-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file:target/dependency-analyzer-test-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar}}): {noformat} Error retrieving checksum file for charset=([.[^; ]]*) java.lang.reflect.Array Unable to resolve context key: RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations javax.swing.tree.TreeModel Repetition count must be > 0 project information for empty {noformat} Note that this is not a problem in the classic {{dependency:analyze}} use case: The goal simply computes the set of class dependencies (which contain the aforementioned bogus class names) of the current project and compares them with the set of classes of its dependencies (this set is fine). If one wants to use the {{ASMDependencyAnalyzer}} as a standalone component, however, these bogus class name make it pretty much *useless*. Also, even in the {{dependency:analyze}} case, operating with sets that are a lot larger than necessary (there are typically way more strings than class names) may impact performance. -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.14#64029)