The javadoc option "-sourcetab" should be passed as "-linksourcetab"

                 Key: MJAVADOC-94
             Project: Maven 2.x Javadoc Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 2.1
            Reporter: Dmitry Katsubo
            Priority: Trivial

I suppose, the following code
addArgIfNotEmpty( arguments, "-sourcetab", sourcetab, SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5 );
should be replaced with
addArgIfNotEmpty( arguments, "-linksourcetab", sourcetab, SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4_2 );
However, I do not see this option in output of {{mvn -X javadoc:javadoc}}.

Also, I think, that options {{-linksource}} and {{-linksourcetab}} should be 
added under equal conditions, but I am confused, that sources can be linked 
only in "online" mode -- just on the contary, sources are available offine. Or 
do I miss something here?

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