
Caspar MacRae commented on MRELEASE-987:

Hi Michael,

Bit of a red herring - TL/DR; I'd mistakenly taken the *indentSize* 
configuration property as applying to the POM edit for {{<scm><tag>}}, but 
that's coming from {{maven-plugin-plugin:helpmojo}} AFAICS and doesn't apply in 
this case.  The issue appears to be hardcoding in modello xpp3.

When I run the release plugin it updates the {{<scm><tag>}} value (e.g. my git 
project has {{HEAD}} for dev branch and {{${tagNameFormat}}} for the tagged 

My issue is that this is being indented with 2 spaces - however I use tabs 
consistently throughout (and have profiles for validating and auto-formatting 
source/POM, license headers etc).

I understand the Apache Maven conventions for POM formatting via 
http://maven.apache.org/developers/conventions/code.html#XML_Code_Style but 
that should only be enforced in Apache land.  (I'm using the 
{{org.codehaus.mojo:tidy-maven-plugin}}, which doesn't appear to have setting 
for spaces v tabs, but does honour existing tab indented POMs).

Had a quick look at the code see if I could try a quick pull request could be 
made, but it's not obvious to me.

In latest 
 in the generated file {{ReleaseDescriptorXpp3Writer.java}} there are lines:

"http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/properties.html#serializer-indentation";, "  " );

Looking at 
 there doesn't appear to be an option for tabs instead of spaces.

So it transpires this isn't an issue with the release plugin specifically, I've 
raised an issue on the [modello github tracker 
#14](https://github.com/codehaus-plexus/modello/issues/14) and have linked back 
to this ticket.

Apologies for not digging deeper before raising spam ticket, I'll mark this 
resolved now hope that's ok.


> Support tab as indent char
> --------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-987
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRELEASE-987
>             Project: Maven Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Wish
>            Reporter: Caspar MacRae
>            Priority: Minor
> It would be great if the maven-release-plugin honoured the indent character 
> when writing the SCM tag.

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