
Richard Sand commented on MDEPLOY-131:

This thread has been inactive for a couple of years, but I'm guessing that the 
need for deploy-file to be able to use the existing project's default 
repositories is still out there. I've attached a very simple patch to enable 
this without changing the existing behavior of any current deployments. See the 
attachment "maven-deploy-useProjectRepo-20170319.patch"

The patch adds a new configuration parameter called "useProjectRepository" 
(default false of course). When set to true, it will use the project's default 
artifactresolver. It changes "url" from required to optional, but throws an 
error if "url" is missing and "useProjectRepository" isn't explicitly set to 
true, so it won't disrupt any current behavior.

I've used this new parameter in two of my company's projects to good effect. I 
use it in combination with maven shade plugin, to create multiple permutations 
of a shaded jar that includes different log capabilities (e.g. one has slf4j 
and slf4j-jcl, another has slf4j and jcl-over-slf4j, one has only slf4j, etc). 
I allow the shade plugin to create the dependency reduced pom, then deploy-file 
to attach the alternate jar and pom to a different artifact ID. It works great!


> use default repository when no url specified
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEPLOY-131
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MDEPLOY-131
>             Project: Maven Deploy Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: deploy:deploy-file
>            Reporter: raymond domingo
>              Labels: contributers-welcome
>         Attachments: DeployFileMojo.java, patch_deploy_file_mojo.diff
> When using the deploy goal there is no need to specify the url of the 
> repository.
> When using deploy-file you DO need to specify the url. This is a problem, 
> because during development I like to deploy to snapshot repository and when 
> releasing i deploy to release repository and I can't add this logic to the 
> pom.
> Thas is why I like the url paramter to become optional (backwards compatible) 
> and add default behaviour when it is null. It should just like the deploy 
> plugin use the default repository. Snapshot for snapshots and release for 
> none snapshot versions.
> I added a patch file fixing this.
> I also added complete source of patched Mojo

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