Mikhail Fedorov created SUREFIRE-1335:

             Summary: Surefire final test report format demark methodname with 
'#' for IDE integration
                 Key: SUREFIRE-1335
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1335
             Project: Maven Surefire
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Maven Surefire Plugin
            Reporter: Mikhail Fedorov
         Attachments: eclipse.png, goto_line.png

The current final report/summary of the test cases have the following format 
(in simple cases):

    Results :

     Tests in error: 
       TestTest.test:12 » IllegalArgument

Full rules are described in file newerrorsummary.md

Initially the report format had separtor '#' symbols for methods (but  line 
numbers were in braces).
Currently it's point symbol, and line number is separated with colon.

The suggestion is to have the following format (at least for simple cases)

    TestTest#test:12 » IllegalArgument

The reason is IntelliJ Idea does not support goto class/file action in format 
with point as method name separator.

When replaced with '#', surefire plugin user will be able to do simple 
copy-paste from build console, go to Intellij IDE, press Ctrl-N and go to 
particular line where the error happened (see goto_line screenshot),

I also wondered maybe Eclipse maven build console supports this format to go to 
the line quickly (appears that it is not so, see eclipse screenshot).

The stacktraces from above result report, which have other format, supported by 
IDEs seem to be not enough in real projects, because I have to scroll up too 
much, through stacktraces.

Other solution might be to print next to each failed test [Class:33] that both 
eclipse and Intellij supports.

I tried to see if it would be possible for Intellij to parse this line, but it 
seems to be hard to distinguish method name from class name if it's separated 
with point symbol.

Intellij currently supports goto
even some weird formats line
Class on line 33

Eclipse supports:

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