Nikolas Falco created MSITE-788:

             Summary: Remove menu items link in the side bar to sub module that 
do not generate any site in the same build.
                 Key: MSITE-788
             Project: Maven Site Plugin
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: site:run
    Affects Versions: 3.6
         Environment: Windows7, Maven 3.3.9
            Reporter: Nikolas Falco
            Priority: Minor

We have some multi-module projects where a few modules are only for scope 
distribution or for integration test.
These modules are marked with and the site is not 
generated, but in the maven site of parent project they appear in the sidebar 
menu, clearly if you click on those links are broken.

Debugging the code, the mojo loop on each project in the reactor build and add 
as menu item.

Is possible add a configuration element of maven-site-plugin to exclude some 
modules from the modules report menu? or implement a check if a site for that 
project exists?

 |- module1
 |- module2
 |- module.test (skip generation)
 |- distribution (skip generation)

the maven site of org.example have in the menu bar links to no available site 
of distribution and module.test

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