
Nikolas Falco commented on WAGON-467:

It's available a PR# github 

> Enforce SSH command to be interactive
> -------------------------------------
>                 Key: WAGON-467
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WAGON-467
>             Project: Maven Wagon
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: wagon-ssh
>    Affects Versions: 2.10
>         Environment: Maven 3.3
> Jenkins
>            Reporter: Nikolas Falco
> Hi,
>    I'm looking a way to deploy the maven site using scp protocol.
> I found some issues:
> * when I create a Jenkins node the maven process stucks during site:deploy 
> goal because it prompts to me if I want add the destination host key to 
> know_hosts file.
> * also with correct credential in settings.xml it prompts to me for Kerberos 
> username [$USER] and password.
> After a lot of google search the SSH options command to setup should be:
> * StrictHostKeyChecking [ask, no, yes]
> * PreferredAuthentications a mix of [gssapi-with-mic, publickey, password, 
> keyboard-interactive]
> Configure those option into them into .ssh/config file it's hard to manage in 
> many in case of many machine
> Actually there is not way to change those settings in the wagon instance 
> For StrictHostKeyChecking could be used the settings.xml 
> {code:xml}
> <servers>
>       <server>
>               <id>docserver</id>
>               <username>xxx</username>
>               <password>password</password>
>               <configuration>
>                       <knownHostsProvider>
>                               <hostKeyChecking>no</hostKeyChecking>
>                       </knownHostsProvider>
>               </configuration>
>       </server>
> </servers>
> {code}
> but it fails because KnownHostsProvider it's an interface and if I specify 
> the implementation of knownHostsProvider
> {code:xml}
> <knownHostsProvider 
> implementation="org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.knownhost.FileKnownHostsProvider">
> {code}
> fails because ClassNotFound on IOUtil in super constructor method.
> Instead for PreferredAuthentications it's an plain string into the code so no 
> way to change it.

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