
Karl Heinz Marbaise moved MNG-6094 to MNGSITE-293:

    Affects Version/s:     (was: 3.3.9)
                  Key: MNGSITE-293  (was: MNG-6094)
              Project: Maven Project Web Site  (was: Maven)

> Maven Profile activation (via property) bug (or misleading doc): profile 
> active even if property doesn't exist
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNGSITE-293
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNGSITE-293
>             Project: Maven Project Web Site
>          Issue Type: Bug
>         Environment: Windows 7
>            Reporter: A. Di Matteo
> Based on the following profile:
> {code}
> <profile>
>     <id>test-profile</id>
>     <activation>
>         <property>
>             <name>something</name>
>             <value>!a</value>
>         </property>
>     </activation>
>     ...
> </profile>
> {code}
> And not setting the something property, the profile is always active (by 
> default). This is in contradiction with the official Maven profile 
> documentation on the !true value example:
> {quote}
> The following profile will be activated when the system property "debug" is 
> defined with a value which is not "true".
> {quote}
> A bug or misleading documentation?
> If the mechanism is still implemented by the SystemPropertyProfileActivator, 
> deprecated but not documented by which componenet it was replaced, if already 
> replaced, then the (potential) bug is confirmed by the following shortened 
> code:
> ActivationProperty property = activation.getProperty();
> {code}
> if ( property != null ) {
>     String name = property.getName();
>     boolean reverseName = false;
>     String sysValue = properties.getProperty( name );
>     String propValue = property.getValue();
>     if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( propValue ) ) {
>         boolean reverseValue = false;
>         if ( propValue.startsWith( "!" ) ) {
>             reverseValue = true;
>             propValue = propValue.substring( 1 );
>         }
>         // we have a value, so it has to match the system value...
>         boolean result = propValue.equals( sysValue );
>         if ( reverseValue ) {
>             return !result;
>         }
>         else {
>             return result;
>         }
>     }
> }
> {code}
> The issue is: the sysValue real property value by the defined name is not 
> taken into account, it will be null in this specific case. However, its check 
> on equals will return false, but then the further check on reverseValue would 
> turn it to true, regardless of the existence of the name property and 
> effectively activating the profile in this case.
> Full description at:
> http://stackoverflow.com/q/39632024/5606016

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