
Jodi commented on SUREFIRE-1274:

Unless you can say specifically what is causing the execution not to find the 
main class (or cause the perception of this) I strongly disagree that you 
should dismiss this issue out of hand

> maven test fails when running inside a profile if executing for single class
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-1274
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1274
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Maven Surefire Plugin
>    Affects Versions: 2.19.1
>         Environment: Maven v3.0.5
> Netbeans IDE 8.1 Release
> Windows 10 Pro v6.3
> jacoco-maven-plugin
> Spring Boot
>            Reporter: Jodi
>            Assignee: Tibor Digana
>              Labels: newbie, test, windows
>         Attachments: pom-surefire-single-test-fail.xml, 
> surefilre-plugin-single-test.log
> ##Conditions which led to the issue
> Prior to the issue occurring, try and use jacoco-maven-plugin with 
> maven-surefire-plugin while inside a profile to address as yet unknown issues 
> when adding maven-docker-plugin to pom.xml
> ##Maven configuration
> After:
> 1. Opening a project POM which hasn't yet been migrated to docker
> 2. Moving maven-surefire-plugin and jacoco-maven-plugin to a "test" profile
> 3. Setting plugin version to 2.19.1 in POM
> 4. Switching to "test" profile
> 5. Run mvn:build from Netbeans
> 6. Running mv:test on any specific class
> ##Outcome
> maven-surefire-plugin fails while Forking: Error: Could not find or load main 
> class ${argLine}
> See attached error.log and pom.xml
> ##Notes
> Test fails with or without following pom.xml section commented out in plugin 
> configuration
>   ...
>   <forkCount>1</forkCount>
>   <reuseForks>true</reuseForks>
>    ...

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