[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSUREFIRE-122?page=all ]
Charlie Groves updated MSUREFIRE-122: ------------------------------------- Attachment: jythonProviderTest.tar.gz MSUREFIRE-122-maven-surefire-plugin.patch MSUREFIRE-122-surefire-providers.patch I've updated the jython provider to work with the classloading changes. You should be able to apply the two patches to their respective projects, build, unpack the tar and run it to see the jython provider in action. If one test passes and one fails in the example project everything is working correctly. I've been using this plugin at work for the past couple months and it seems pretty solid. I've added a traceback writer that cleans out most of the Jython invocation crud since I initially posted this. It's in the new patch. > Support tests written in Jython > ------------------------------- > > Key: MSUREFIRE-122 > URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSUREFIRE-122 > Project: Maven 2.x Surefire Plugin > Issue Type: New Feature > Reporter: Charlie Groves > Assigned To: fabrizio giustina > Fix For: 2.3 > > Attachments: jythonProvider.tar.gz, jythonProviderTest.tar.gz, > MSUREFIRE-122-maven-surefire-plugin.patch, > MSUREFIRE-122-surefire-providers.patch > > > I've written a first pass at a surefire-provider for JUnit and Python > unittest TestCases written in Jython. Before I continue any further I'd like > to make sure that the provider is wanted and that I'm heading in the right > direction. > To do the minimum to get it up and running, I've hooked into the > maven-surefire-plugin to hook my provider into the system somewhat like the > TestNG provider did. maven-surefire-plugin passes a path(defaults to > src/test/jython) to the provider. The provider searches the path for files > matching include patterns and loads those as Python modules. For every class > in the matching modules that extends junit or unittest TestCase, it makes a > SurefireTestSuite and exposes them for running. Sound like a decent approach? > To give it a spin, apply maven-surefire-plugin.patch, mvn install on the > surefire-jython project and run mvn test in jythonProviderTest. It's just > contains a single Junit testcase with a failing and passing test. > I haven't even checked what happens when the jython tests throw exceptions, > and I know there's alot to be done as far as making it a usable plugin, but I > felt like getting some feedback before continuing. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/Administrators.jspa - For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira