Guillaume Boué commented on MASSEMBLY-824:

Yes we could add a sentence clarifying this inside the {{appendAssemblyId}} 
documentation. How about the following?

bq. Set to false to exclude the assembly id from the assembly final name, and 
to create the resultant assembly artifacts without classifier. As such, an 
assembly artifact having the same format as the packaging of the current Maven 
project will replace the file for this main project artifact.

> Use of appendAssemblyId and finalName can cause problems
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MASSEMBLY-824
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MASSEMBLY-824
>             Project: Maven Assembly Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.6
>            Reporter: Sebastian Geiger
> I recently had a usecase where I wanted to rename an artifact locally in the 
> target/ folder. I configured the maven-assembly-plugin with the following 
> options:
> {code}
> <appendAssemblyId>false</appendAssemblyId>
> <finalName>helper-${project.version}</finalName>
> {code}
> As expected the resulting name was `helper-5.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar`.
> Next when I built the project I noticed warnings about a conflict with the 
> default artifact for the project.
> {quote}
>     [WARNING] Configuration options: 'appendAssemblyId' is set to false, and 
> 'classifier' is missing. Instead of attaching the assembly file: 
> [...]/target/helper-5.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, it will become the file for main 
> project artifact.
>     NOTE: If multiple descriptors or descriptor-formats are provided for this 
> project, the value of this file will be non-deterministic!
>     [WARNING] Replacing pre-existing project main-artifact file: 
> [...]/target/my.module-5.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar with assembly file: 
> [...]/target/helper-5.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> {quote}
> Irritated by these warnings I asked about this on 
> [StackOverflow|http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38482839/maven-assembly-plugin-how-to-use-appendassemblyid/38484021#38484021]
>  and received the following explanation:
> Essentially during installation the standard maven coordinates (G-A-V-C) are 
> still used independent of the {{finalName}} used to for the artifact, since 
> this only affects the local name inside the {{target}} folder. Now, when the 
> {{appendAssemblyId}} is set to {{false}} the classifier will be dropped not 
> only from the local name, but also from the artifact's name used during 
> installation and there will be a clash with the default artifact name if the 
> project's packaging is set to jar.
> Currently there seem to be only two solutions:
> # Do not set the {{appendAssemblyId}} option to {{false}}, which means that 
> the local name used inside the target folder will still get the assemblyId 
> appended (e.g. <finalName>-jar-with-dependencies.jar).
> # Alternatively, set the option {{attach}} to {{false}}, this will avoid the 
> above mentioned warning but also means that the artifact will no longer be 
> installed.
> Of course I could just ignore he warning, but the after all the warning has a 
> reason and I would rather fix that then ignore the warning.
> h1. Suggested solutions:
> IMHO there are several solutions to resolve this:
> # Omit the assemblyId on the local name by default if {{finalName}} is used. 
> Additionally change the semantics of the {{appendAssemblyId}} option to only 
> affect the installed artifact's name.
> # Add an additional option to control if the assemblyId is appended to the 
> local file name.
> In any case, also if none of the suggested options are feasible I suggest to 
> document this better.
> * Make it clear in the {{appendAssemblyId}} option, that this affects both 
> the local and the installed artifact's file name. Also clarify the warning 
> that appears when this option is set to false. Also, maybe suggest to set 
> {{attach}} to {{false}} if a conflict is detected?
> * Make it clear in the {{finalName}} option, that this only affects the local 
> file name and NOT the installed artifact's file name.
> Thank you for your time and attention.

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