
Karl Heinz Marbaise closed MNG-6019.
    Resolution: Cannot Reproduce

Unfortunately no feedback so i will close the issue. If you have further 
details etc. please don't hesitate to reopen the issue.

> maven-dependency-plugin downloads released sources JARs when -U is specified
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-6019
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-6019
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Plugins and Lifecycle
>    Affects Versions: 3.3.9
>            Reporter: Jim Showalter
>            Priority: Minor
> We have a Nexus repo with snapshots and releases. When we run mvn install in 
> a directory with dependencies in the pom.xml, specifying -U, it downloads 
> SNAPSHOTs of binary JARs (correct), new versions of released JARs (correct), 
> and *all* sources JARs, whether SNAPSHOT (correct) or binary (incorrect).
> For example:
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/org/apache/axis/axis-saaj/1.4/axis-saaj-1.4-sources.jar
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/org/apache/tomcat/tomcat-i18n-fr/7.0.39/tomcat-i18n-fr-7.0.39-sources.jar
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/org/jyaml/jyaml/1.3/jyaml-1.3-sources.jar
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/net/sf/flatpack/flatpack/3.2.0/flatpack-3.2.0-sources.jar
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/com/sun/webservices-extra-api/2.0.1/webservices-extra-api-2.0.1-sources.jar
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/com/pingidentity/opentoken/opentoken-adapter/2.3/opentoken-adapter-2.3-sources.jar
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/org/grlea/log/adapters/simple-log-sl4j/1.7/simple-log-sl4j-1.7-sources.pom
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/gnu-regexp/gnu-regexp/1.1.4/gnu-regexp-1.1.4-sources.jar
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/hsqldb/hsqldb/
> [INFO] Downloading: <our Nexus 
> server>/nexus/content/groups/qbo/xstream/xstream/1.3/xstream-1.3-sources.jar
> etc.
> This continual redownloading of sources JARs bogs down our builds (we have a 
> *lot* of dependencies).

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