Hui Wang created MNG-6064:

             Summary: Add "dev" string item into ComparableVersion
                 Key: MNG-6064
             Project: Maven
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Artifacts and Repositories
    Affects Versions: 3.3.9
         Environment: Any operating Systems
            Reporter: Hui Wang
            Priority: Blocker
             Fix For: 3.3.9

We're using a popular Gradle plugin "gradle-git" ( from Andrew Oberstar ) to 
implement Semantic Versioning with Continuous Deployment. There's a strategy 
supported by gradle-git that defines a "dev" stage when we have something 
uncommitted on a developer branch, which is very useful. Some examples to 
demonstrate the "dev" scenario can be found here:

However, current version of  
org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ComparableVersion does not support "dev" 
stage since there's no item "dev" in the field _QUALIFIERS of nested class 
StringItem. And since this is a private static final field, it is not able to 
be overwritten by inheritance. Can we add the "dev" item into _QUALIFIERS ? 

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