Christopher Tubbs created MDEP-533:

             Summary: dependency:list mismatch with -Dartifact= format
                 Key: MDEP-533
             Project: Maven Dependency Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 2.10
            Reporter: Christopher Tubbs

I believe there is a bug in {{dependency:list}}. The output format is:


Most of the other goals, like {{get}} and {{copy}} expect the artifact 
coordinates to be of the form:


This means you cannot easily write a script to use the output of {{list}} to 
resolve artifacts with {{get}} or {{copy}} and {{-Dartifact=...}}

I believe this is probably a bug in the output of {{list}}, but if anybody is 
relying on it, it might be better to add a new goal which fixes it by default, 
and has an option to specify the output format.

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