
Pere Boleda Griñó commented on MRELEASE-900:

I have exactly the same issue but when the plugin commits the updated version 
it runs ok. It's like

git push git@myGitLabURL:parent/project.git refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master 

but when it tries to generate the tag it fails because it tries to push to the 
parent directory

push git@myGitLabURL:parent refs/tags/v1.46 

> release:prepare goal uses parent directory of real repository location
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-900
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRELEASE-900
>             Project: Maven Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: prepare
>    Affects Versions: 2.5.1
>            Reporter: Jens Rabe
>            Priority: Blocker
> I have this in my pom.xml:
> {code:xml}
> <scm>
> <connection>scm:git:http://my-git-server.example.com/git/somebody/my-project.git</connection>
> <developerConnection>ssh://g...@my-git-server.example.com:10022/somebody/my-project.git</developerConnection>
>     <url>http://my-git-server.example.com/git/somebody/my-project</url>
> </scm>
> {code}
> When I do a mvn release:prepare, it tries to push the tag to 
> ssh://g...@my-git-server.example.com:10022/somebody/ instead of 
> ssh://g...@my-git-server.example.com:10022/somebody/my-project.git, causing 
> the release prepare to fail with "Access denied".
> When I add a "fake file" at the end, like:
> {code:xml}
> <scm>
> <connection>scm:git:http://my-git-server.example.com/git/somebody/my-project.git/.git</connection>
> <developerConnection>ssh://g...@my-git-server.example.com:10022/somebody/my-project.gi/.gitt</developerConnection>
>     <url>http://my-git-server.example.com/git/somebody/my-project</url>
> </scm>
> {code}
> the release:prepare works, but release:perform fails because it is using the 
> URL as-is.

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