
Karl Heinz Marbaise commented on MINSTALL-126:

To be honest from the intention of the maven-install-plugin something like what 
you wish does not make sense. Furthermore if i take a look into Karaf docs 
there is something:

Only Maven based URLs and Maven SNAPSHOTs will actually be updated 

which means you can use a file url or snapshots...so i don't see the real 
problem here ?

> localRepositoryPath for install like for install-file
> -----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MINSTALL-126
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MINSTALL-126
>             Project: Maven Install Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Michael Vorburger
> I believe there are real world use cases where to have a localRepositoryPath 
> available for maven-install-plugin's install goal like it currently is for 
> the install-file goal would be useful.
> http://blog2.vorburger.ch/2016/06/maven-install-into-additional.html is a 
> Blog post I wrote with some background about why this would be useful.

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