
Anders Hammar edited comment on MJAR-210 at 4/4/16 7:08 AM:

This parameter was added in v2.2 so I wonder what the use case is/was? There is 
a doc page for it:

Archiver config to achieve the same:

Also, I think that the "default" part of the parameter name is completely 
wrong. I view the generated manifest file as the default, not a manifest file 
included in the source tree.

was (Author: afloom):
This parameter was added in v2.2 so I wonder what the use case is/was? There is 
a doc page for it:

Archiver config to achieve the same:

Also, I think that the name "default" part of the parameter name is completely 
wrong. I view the generated manifest file as the default, not a manifest file 
included in the source tree.

> Remove useDefaultManifestFile parameter
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: MJAR-210
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MJAR-210
>             Project: Maven JAR Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.0
>            Reporter: Karl Heinz Marbaise
>             Fix For: 3.0.0
> The following: 
> {code}
> @Parameter( property = "maven.jar.useDefaultManifestFile", defaultValue = 
> "false" )
> private boolean useDefaultManifestFile;
> {code}
> does not make sense in general, cause it can be handled via 
> [MavenArchiver|http://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-archiver/index.html] 
> configuration. So this should be completely removed.

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