Zoltan Farkas created MSHADE-217:

             Summary: Shaded sources out of sync with shaded jar.
                 Key: MSHADE-217
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHADE-217
             Project: Maven Shade Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 2.4.3
            Reporter: Zoltan Farkas

I am using the maven shade plugin to patch open source libraries. (fix bugs...)

this is the configuration I use:


The java classes I have in my project, are correctly included in the shaded jar 
and overwrite the dependency classes, however the source artifact generated by 
the shade plugin does not include the sources from my project.

Can this be improved so that source and class behaviour is consistent?
is there a workarround?

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