
Michael Osipov commented on MJAVADOC-387:

I have several problems with a new parameter:

1. Javadoc help says:
-X Print a synopsis of nonstandard options
This might not work across different vendors.

2. Having this options by default would lead to:
$ /usr/local/openjdk7/jre/../bin/javadoc @options @packages
javadoc: error - invalid flag: -Xdoclint:all

This would actually mean that one has to activate this parameter if Java 
version is 1.8+. In turn the documention of this plugin would say default is " 
{{-Xdoclint:auto}}". It does not look idiot-proof  to me.

> Handle JDK8 -Xdoclint
> ---------------------
>                 Key: MJAVADOC-387
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MJAVADOC-387
>             Project: Maven Javadoc Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: scolebourne2
> The Oracle team have added the doclint tool to JDK 8. The tool validates 
> Javadoc as part of a standard Javadoc run. Unfortunately, with the default 
> settings, it rejects many HTML elements that are perfectly acceptable to 
> browsers, and all invalid Javadoc references (@links). This is likely to 
> prove very unpopular with developers.
> Action needed:
> 1) Provide a maven-javadoc-plugin configuration item and property that can 
> control the doclint tool (currently this requires using additionalparam 
> 2) Apply the {{-Xdoclint:none}} option by default, so that doclint is opt-in, 
> not opt-out (ie. fix Oracle's messed up default). This will also make it much 
> easier for developers to handle migration to JDK 8.

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