vijay commented on MRESOURCES-204:

Hi Karl,

I was working on Custom Annotation development.

I tried using {src/main/resources} for config file, but in that case config 
file was not copied to expected destination target/classes/META-INF/services  
but to location  target/classes. I am not sure why?

I was building custom annotation which was to be consumed in client project. I 
registered the custom annotation processor using standard Java Services 
mechanism. During the development I stumbled upon this situation.

Hope above explanation will be useful for your query. Thanks for your time.

> Maven gives successful Build message and creates empty jar  if pom is 
> configured for executing copy-resources goal with phase process-resources.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRESOURCES-204
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOURCES-204
>             Project: Maven Resources Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: copy
>    Affects Versions: 2.7
>         Environment: apache-maven-3.2.3, Oracle jdk1.7.0_67/jdk1.8.0_51, 
> Eclipse Kepler, Windows 7
>            Reporter: vijay
>         Attachments: MyAnnotation.zip
> When maven is configured to execute  copy-resources goal of plugin 
> maven-resources-plugin with phase process-resources then Maven  gives 
> successful build message but does not produce any class files and jar is 
> empty. But if same goal is executed with phase compile or test then build is 
> successful with produced  jar containing classes and config files. In short 
> the execution of copy-resources goal is not consistent. 
> I have tested this for both JDK 7 and 8 with same behaviour.
> I have enclosed zip which contains maven project "MyAnnotation". Please refer 
> this pom for execution or reproducing the issue.

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