Marat Saitov created MSITE-750:

             Summary: site plugin 3.4 doesn't override correctly parent 
distributionManagement site url with one defined in child project
                 Key: MSITE-750
             Project: Maven Site Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: site:deploy
    Affects Versions: 3.4
         Environment: maven 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.3.3, windows 7 professional
            Reporter: Marat Saitov

site plugin 3.4 doesn't override correctly parent distributionManagement site 
url (absolute url) with different absolute url defined in child project.

parent project



child project




The error is that in case if we defined another absolute path in the 
"" with different domain in the CHILD project 
the maven site plugin tries to generate a relative path to the url defined in 
the "" in the PARENTproject.

But I expected that the absolute url defined in the  
"" in the CHILD project just will be used by 
maven-site-plugin without transformation like this

[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.4:deploy (default-deploy) @ mysite-child --- - 
Session: Opened  
[INFO] Pushing C:\devs\mysite-child\target\site
[INFO]    >>> to

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