
ASF GitHub Bot commented on MPOM-47:

Github user ctubbsii closed the pull request at:


> Source release assembly can't do tar.gz only
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MPOM-47
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPOM-47
>             Project: Maven POMs
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: asf
>            Reporter: Christopher Tubbs
>            Assignee: Karl Heinz Marbaise
>             Fix For: ASF-17
>         Attachments: MPOM-47.1.patch.txt
> The source-release-assembly execution of the maven-assembly-plugin doesn't 
> offer any way to specify to build a tarball (tar.gz) only. By default, it 
> builds a zip file.
> One can override the plugin execution to force it to build both a zip and a 
> tarball, by setting sourceReleaseAssemblyDescriptor to 
> "source-release-zip-tar".
> However, there's no way to get it to build only the tarball, unless you do 
> convoluted things like in [this 
> example|http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/accumulo/accumulo-project/1.5.0/accumulo-project-1.5.0.pom],
>  or if you override the apache-release profile entirely.

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