[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPTEST-70?page=all ]
Arnaud Heritier moved MAVEN-1785 to MPTEST-70: ---------------------------------------------- Affects Version/s: (was: 1.1-beta-3) 1.8 Workflow: jira (was: Maven New) Key: MPTEST-70 (was: MAVEN-1785) Project: maven-test-plugin (was: Maven) > no security debug log information after set > maven.junit.jvmargs=-Djava.security.debug=all > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Key: MPTEST-70 > URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPTEST-70 > Project: maven-test-plugin > Issue Type: Bug > Affects Versions: 1.8 > Environment: Build/running Apache AXIS2 testcase with maven 1.1.3 > Reporter: Ming Cheung > Priority: Critical > > I added the following 2 maven properties to"project.properties" file under > axis2/modules/kernel/ directory. and do not see any securitty related logging > information in the trace file. Similarly, the second part of the > maven.junit.jvmargs, which is the specific policy file, mytestpolicy.policy, > is also not loaded to the JVM. > ------------------------------------------ > maven.junit.fork=true > maven.junit.jvmargs=-Djava.security.debug=all > -Djava.security.policy=c:/temp/mytestpolicy.policy > ------------------------------------------ > To reproducing this problem is quite simple and straight forward. > You can just use a simple testcase (any testcase is fine and no need to have > any security codes) from your own; Add the 2 above properties to the > project.properties file. then run the maven with your test. > Usually, if you see the log contains the "SCL" keywords, the security debug > is being picked and used. otherwise, it is not. > Security log output example: > -------------------------------------- > scl: (Thread[main,5,main]) getPermissions ProtectionDomain > (file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/mingcheu/ <no signer certificates>) > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > <no principals> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( > (java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM) > (java.io.FilePermission \C:\Documents and Settings\mingcheu\- read) > ) > scl: (Thread[main,5,main]) -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/Administrators.jspa - For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira