Bruno Bieth created SUREFIRE-1171:

             Summary: Misleading documentation on forkCount with JUnit provider
                 Key: SUREFIRE-1171
             Project: Maven Surefire
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: Bruno Bieth

On this page
 I can read the following:

As reuseForks=false creates a new JVM process for each test class, using 
parallel=classes would have no effect. You can still use parallel=methods, 

When using reuseForks=true and a forkCount value larger than one, test classes 
are handed over to the forked process one-by-one. Thus, parallel=classes would 
not change anything.

However in my experience only the junit47 provider manages forked VM. The 
junit4 provider simply ignores the forkCount setting.
As stated in the documentation on JUnit : in 
order to activate the junit47 provider one must set the parallel attribute.

So on one hand the doc says that the parallel attribute is useless with 
forkCount but on the other hand if it's not specified, the old junit4 provider 
is used and forkCount isn't applied.

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