
Peter Bäckman updated MSITE-743:
    Attachment: BreadcrumbBug.zip

Maven project that displays the faulty behaviour. Just run with mvn site-deploy.

> Automatic breadcrumbs generates incorrect URL
> ---------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSITE-743
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSITE-743
>             Project: Maven Site Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.4
>            Reporter: Peter Bäckman
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: BreadcrumbBug.zip
> With a maven structure like:
> -TOP (with site.xml defining breadcrumb for TOP) 
> --CONTAINER (no site.xml) 
> ---LEAF (with site.xml) 
> For the LEAF site I get a breadcrumb structure TOP - CONTAINER - LEAF. 
> CONTAINER with link is automatically generated. 
> I also have defined <menu ref="parent" /> to get a link to the LEAFs parent 
> In the breadcrumb the CONTAINER URL is ...site/ContainerModule and in the 
> left menu the CONTAINER URL is ...site/ContainerModule/index.html. The menu 
> is correct and the breadcrumb wrong since it lacks the index.html part.

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