
Tony Reix commented on MNG-5703:

I cannot find the rationale about why using: -Doozie.forcebuild=false .
However, with: -Doozie.forcebuild=true , that's the same (same error message 
"Error releasing shared lock for resolution tracking file").
And, without -Doozie.forcebuild=.... , that's the same.

However, the compilation reaches the end and SUCCEEDs now.

And the error message ("Error releasing shared lock for resolution tracking 
file") seems to be printed only if I use the  "-X" option (more trace).

OK. I think I have understood: I had another issue which made the compilation 
to fail AND I was using -X AND there was some issue in my Maven .m2 environment 
which produced an issue that was by-passed by Maven and which is NOT shown when 
NOT using -X .  So, seeing these error messages, I thought it was the root 
cause of the build failure, but it was not.
Damned Maven ! And I was not good at analyzing this issue...

So, there is an issue, but Maven can by-pass it ! So, I'm done. We can close 

> ClosedChannelException from DefaultUpdateCheckManager.read on Linux
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-5703
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5703
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.2.1
>         Environment: Ubuntu 14.10 / PPC64 LE - IBM JVM 1.7
> Ubuntu 14.10 / x86_64 - IBM JVM 1.7 & 1.6 - Oracle JVM 1.7
>            Reporter: Tony Reix
>            Priority: Blocker
> I already added a note in: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5629 .
> But, since this JIRA deals with Windows, since my issues are on Linux, and 
> since I'm blocked, I'm opening a new JIRA.
> I was working on the port of Falcon on PPC64 when it appeared. I'm now 
> blocked.
> First, I was on RHEL7/PPC64BE: this Maven error was not there, and I've been 
> able to compile and run tests, with IBM JVM v1.6 .
> Then, I moved to Ubuntu/PPC64LE, with IBM JVM 1.7, and the issue appeared.
> I then tried on Ubuntu/x86_64, with IBM JVM and then Oracle JVM, v1.7, and 
> the issue was there too. Same with IBM JVM 1.6 .
> Traces show the issue when using -X only.
> Example of traces, on Ubuntu/x86_64 , with IBM JVM 1.6 :
> {noformat}
> export HADOOP_VERSION=2.4.1
> export HADOOP_PROFILE=hadoop-2
> export OOZIE_VERSION=4.0.1
> mvn -X compile -P $HADOOP_PROFILE -Dhadoop.version=$HADOOP_VERSION 
> -Doozie.version=$OOZIE_VERSION -Doozie.forcebuild=false -DskipTests
> ...
> [DEBUG] Determining update check for artifact asm:asm 
> (/home/reixt/.m2/repository/asm/asm/maven-metadata-central.xml) from central 
> (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
> [DEBUG] Searching for central.maven-metadata-central.xml.lastUpdated in 
> resolution tracking file.
> [DEBUG] Reading resolution-state from: 
> /home/reixt/.m2/repository/asm/asm/resolver-status.properties
> [DEBUG] Error releasing shared lock for resolution tracking file: 
> /home/reixt/.m2/repository/asm/asm/resolver-status.properties
> java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
> at sun.nio.ch.FileLockImpl.release(FileLockImpl.java:47)
> at 
> org.apache.maven.repository.legacy.DefaultUpdateCheckManager.read(DefaultUpdateCheckManager.java:396)
> at 
> org.apache.maven.repository.legacy.DefaultUpdateCheckManager.readLastUpdated(DefaultUpdateCheckManager.java:323)
> at 
> org.apache.maven.repository.legacy.DefaultUpdateCheckManager.readLastUpdated(DefaultUpdateCheckManager.java:159)
> at 
> org.apache.maven.repository.legacy.DefaultUpdateCheckManager.isUpdateRequired(DefaultUpdateCheckManager.java:148)
> ...
> [INFO] Apache Falcon Oozie EL Extension .................. FAILURE [ 26.935 s]
> [INFO] Apache Falcon Embedded Hadoop - Test Cluster ...... SKIPPED
> ....
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 17:52 min
> [INFO] Finished at: 2014-10-20T10:18:30-05:00
> [INFO] Final Memory: 38M/181M
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project falcon-oozie-el-extension: Could 
> not resolve dependencies for project 
> org.apache.falcon:falcon-oozie-el-extension:jar:0.5-incubating: Could not 
> find artifact org.apache.oozie:oozie-core:jar:4.0.1-falcon in central 
> (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]
> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute 
> goal on project falcon-oozie-el-extension: Could not resolve dependencies for 
> project org.apache.falcon:falcon-oozie-el-extension:jar:0.5-incubating: Could 
> not find artifact org.apache.oozie:oozie-core:jar:4.0.1-falcon in central 
> {noformat}
> Testcase:
> - download Falcon v0.5
> - use above mvn options

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