
Kamil Demecki commented on MNG-5185:

This bug shows standard approach took by maven software - don't care about 
users because "we know how building should work and all build flexibility is 
prohibited". Maven has long history of being flawed by design - how tool for 
build can produce different result when running twice? I've been very unlucky 
working on projects in maven 1, 2 and 3 since 2005 and maven was supposed to do 
builds in "proper" way replacing "old" ant. After two years break I'm in the 
maven project again and still offline mode is horror - after over 10 years. Ant 
with ivy is so much better in good hands (and gradle is on the market). Only 
good thing coming from maven is nexus and some standardization of project 
layout but generally maven is very bad tool.

> Improve "missing dependency" error message when 
> _maven.repositories/_remote.repositories contains other repository ids than 
> requested
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-5185
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5185
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.0.4
>            Reporter: Mark Derricutt
>            Assignee: Olivier Lamy
>             Fix For: Issues to be reviewed for 4.x
>         Attachments: 
> 0001-MNG-5185-Warn-about-artifacts-present-but-not-available-eclipse-aether.patch,
>  0001-MNG-5185-Warn-about-artifacts-present-but-not-availa.patch
> Based on a discussion on the users list [1], [Maven 3 has changed how it 
> resolves artifacts from local 
> repositories|https://cwiki.apache.org/MAVEN/maven-3x-compatibility-notes.html#Maven3.xCompatibilityNotes-ResolutionfromLocalRepository].
>   Unfortunately, when "conflicts" arise (GAV is cached in local repo, but 
> restricted to some repository ids, and actual POM has no matching repository 
> id declared), Maven just tells the user that the artifact could not be 
> resolved.
> This leads to confusion from users who find the .jar files in their local 
> repository without knowing this restriction feature: they just get frustrated 
> and complain that "maven sucks".
> It would be good if Maven was updated with some improved error messages along 
> the lines of:
> "The (GAV) artifact was found in your local repository, but came from remote 
> repository "xxx": either configure this in your pom with (insert sample XML 
> block in error message), or in your "yyy" mirror."
> The "mirror" section of the error message should be included -if- the current 
> ~/.m2/settings.xml declares a mirror.  By improving the messages here we can 
> help the users move on to building software, rather than pulling out their 
> hair :)
> [1] 
> http://maven.40175.n5.nabble.com/Maven-3-maven-repositories-and-lastUpdated-td4927537.html

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