Taskdef/Typedef and Plugin dependencies

                 Key: MANTRUN-59
                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTRUN-59
             Project: Maven 2.x Antrun Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 1.1
            Reporter: ttest

I'm trying to run an ant task during a Maven run. The classes for that Ant task 
are included in my Maven runtime dependencies(maven.runtime.classpath).
Here the relevant snippet from my POM:
        <path id="my.maven.runtime.classpath">
                <path refid="maven.runtime.classpath"/>
        <taskdef name="mostGenerator" 
        <mostGenerator configurationFile="mostGenerator.configuration" 

This works if I don't provide depedencies in the POM for my plugin. But if I do 
provide depedencies it doesn't work. I consider this to be a bug since that 
should have no effect on the behaviour of "maven.runtime.classpath". My first 
guess is that this is a classloading issue. Probably by providing dependencies 
the classloaders get messed up and that causes the taskdef to not load the 
classes from maven.runtime.classpath because echoing the value of 
maven.runtime.classpath still gives the right classpath.

I have tried all variants of dereferencing maven.runtime.classpath. Didn't work.
Also which is very interesting if I hardcode the classpath in the taskdef to 
absolute pathnames it also does not work.

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