Hi all, I am getting a time out exception from findBugs while i generate the site using the command maven site:generate.
I tried to remove this bug by setting the the following properties. I set the time out to 30 minutes.Default value of this is 600,000(10 Min). maven.findbugs.enable = true maven.findbugs.detail=high maven.findbugs.workHard=true maven.findbugs.timeout=1800,000 After setting this property still I am getting the same error. My Code base contains around 400 files. I am using the latest version of findbugs(maven-findbugs-plugin-1.3). [echo] Running the FindBugs task... [findbugs] Running FindBugs... [findbugs] Timeout: killed the sub-process [findbugs] Output saved to E:\test1/target/findbugs-raw-report.xml [echo] Converting the FindBugs report to xdoc ... BUILD FAILED File...... C:\Documents and Settings\.maven\cache\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.8\p lugin.jelly Element... x:parse Line...... 120 Column.... 48 Error on line 1 of document file:/E:/test1/target/findbugs-raw-report.xml : Prem ature end of file. Nested exception: Premature end of file. Total time: 16 minutes 56 seconds Finished at: Tue Jul 25 18:26:17 IST 2006 Could you Please help me in resolving this issue. Thanks in Advance, Nisanth. -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/FindBugs-%3A-Timeout%3A-killed-the-sub-process-tf1998150.html#a5484892 Sent from the Maven - Issues forum at Nabble.com.