WebDAV Wagon putDirectory fails when multiple directories in path don't exist -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: WAGON-56 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/WAGON-56 Project: wagon Type: Bug Components: wagon-webdav Versions: 1.0-beta-2, 1.0-beta-1 Reporter: Nathan Beyer (Cerner) Priority: Blocker Attachments: webdavwagon_putdirectory.diff The implementation of the 'putDirectory' method isn't properly checking that all directories (WebDAV collections) have been created. I've attached a patch that reworks the 'putDirectory' such that it relies on the 'put' method for each upload. This will guarantee that all file uploads are treated the same way and resolves this issue, as the 'put' method implements the appropriate directory checks. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/Administrators.jspa - For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira