Plugin configuration error message - caused by certain liefecycle bindings

         Key: MDEP-27
     Project: Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin
        Type: Bug

    Versions: 1.0    
 Environment: Maven 2.0.4,  MS-XP Pro V 2002
    Reporter: Markus Wilke
    Priority: Critical

If a project`s POM contains a configuration, which binds the 
dependency:unpack-goal to a certain liefecylce phase,
the execution of other plugins or lifecycle phases on the command line causes 
the following error message:
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] One or more required plugin parameters are invalid/missing for
> 'dependency:unpack'
> [0] inside the definition for plugin: 'dependency-maven-plugin'specify the
> following:
> <configuration>
> ...
> <artifactItems>VALUE</artifactItems>
> </configuration>. 

The direct execution of the configured lifecyclephase on the command line does 
not produce any errors.

Here are 2 examples, which reproduce the error message.

Example 1:

Plugin configuration in POM:

Command line execution: mvn eclipse:eclipse

Example 2:

Plugin configuration in POM:

Command line execution: mvn package

In this example, the project also contained Unit Tests which where executed by 
the surefire-plugin.

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