[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPXDOC-179?page=comments#action_67705 ] 

Paul Libbrecht commented on MPXDOC-179:

It surprises me to be considered closed.

I could drill this down to the issue 
of dom4j.
a fix for which was made in 2003 and stipulates that when a java.io.File object 
is passed to SAXReader.read() an input-stream is passed... hence no relative 
resolution can be done.

This affects jelly's x:parse tag as well.
The current "escape" is that when you know you have a file (and it does not 
contain a "#" sign!) you call it's toURL() method.
(in turn this is a bug in java's File.toURL() which should convert a # sign in 
the toURL method).


> Can't use relative links for external entities
> ----------------------------------------------
>          Key: MPXDOC-179
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPXDOC-179
>      Project: maven-xdoc-plugin
>         Type: Bug

>     Versions: 1.10, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9
>  Environment: maven-1.1 beta 3 from SVN
>     Reporter: Arnaud Heritier

> Actually we can't use a relative path in xdocs to declare external entities
> For exemple in plugins\trunk\xdoc\xdocs\reference\xdocs.xml we reference 
> escapeXml.xml like this with an absolute path from where maven is generally 
> called (in the xdoc plugin root directory) 
> <!DOCTYPE document [
>   <!ENTITY escapeXmlExample SYSTEM "file:xdocs/reference/escapeXml.xml">
> ]>
> Thus if we use a multiproject the site fails. For example :
> plugins\trunk>maven -Dgoal=site 
> -Dmaven.multiproject.includes=xdoc/project.xml multiproject:goal
> gives :
> LA CONSTRUCTION A &#9562;CHOU&#9562;
> Fichier... 
> D:\Data\maven-1\cache\maven-multiproject-plugin-1.5-SNAPSHOT\plugin.jelly
> &#9562;lement... maven:reactor
> Ligne..... 226
> Colonne... -1
> Unable to obtain goal [site] -- 
> D:\Data\maven-1\cache\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.10-SNAPSHOT\plugin.jelly:490:-1: 
> <x:parse> xdocs\reference\escapeX
> ml.xml (The system cannot find the path specified) Nested exception: 
> xdocs\reference\escapeXml.xml (The system cannot find the path specifie
> d)
> If I use a relative path :
> <!DOCTYPE document [
>   <!ENTITY escapeXmlExample SYSTEM "file:escapeXml.xml">
> ]>
> With the same command as previously I receive a similar error :
> Fichier... 
> D:\Data\maven-1\cache\maven-multiproject-plugin-1.5-SNAPSHOT\plugin.jelly
> &#9562;lement... maven:reactor
> Ligne..... 226
> Colonne... -1
> Unable to obtain goal [site] -- 
> D:\Data\maven-1\cache\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.10-SNAPSHOT\plugin.jelly:490:-1: 
> <x:parse> Error on line 3 of docu
> ment  : URI relative "file:escapeXml.xml"; ne peut Ûtre rÚsolue sans URI de 
> base. Nested exception: URI relative "file:escapeXml.xml"; ne pe
> ut Ûtre rÚsolue sans URI de base.
> It seems to be a problem with dom4j 1.4

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