[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTRUN-53?page=all ]
Carlos Sanchez closed MANTRUN-53:
      Assign To: Carlos Sanchez
     Resolution: Won't Fix
    Fix Version:     (was: 1.2)

In the documentation is explained how to add the optional jars to the classpath

> add ant optional task support
> -----------------------------
>          Key: MANTRUN-53
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTRUN-53
>      Project: Maven 2.x Antrun Plugin
>         Type: Improvement

>     Versions: 1.2
>  Environment: windows 2000,java 1.4.2
>     Reporter: bingwuli
>     Assignee: Carlos Sanchez

> I use maven-antrun-plugin for my project recently. Althought this plugin give 
> me some convenience, I find it doesn't support ant optional task. In my 
> project ,I need to use native2ascii to convert my messages. When I put such 
> ant segment  <tasks><native2ascii encoding="GBK" src="src/main/conf/message" 
> dest="${project.build.outputDirectory}" includes="**/*.txt"  ext = 
> ".properties"/></tasks> into plugin's configuration, it doesn't work. 
> After I carefully study plugin's docment ,I find the plugin doesn't depend on 
> ant optional jar .After I add ant-optional jar into dependency path ,and 
> rewrite ant segent as such ,it does work for me.
> <task><taskdef name="native2ascii" 
> classname="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.Native2Ascii" classpathref 
> = "maven.compile.classpath" /><native2ascii encoding="GBK" 
> src="src/main/conf/message"dest="${project.build.outputDirectory}" 
> includes="**/*.txt"  ext = ".properties"/></task>
> I think it good idea that this plugin  will support ant optional task.

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