[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-184?page=all ]
Mike Perham closed SCM-184:

    Resolution: Fixed

Thanks John.

> PerforceScmProvider.createClientspec should use the working dir's canonical 
> path for the clientspec root
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>          Key: SCM-184
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-184
>      Project: Maven SCM
>         Type: Bug

>   Components: maven-scm-provider-perforce
>     Versions: 1.0
>     Reporter: John Didion
>     Assignee: Mike Perham
>      Fix For: 1.0

> createClientspec should look like this:
> {noformat}
>     public static String createClientspec( PerforceScmProviderRepository 
> repo, String specname, File workDir )
>     {
>         String clientspecName = getClientspecName( repo, workDir );
>         String userName = getUsername( repo );
>         String rootDir = null;
>         try {
>             rootDir = workDir.getCanonicalPath();
>         } catch (IOException ex) {
>             //getLogger().error("Error getting canonical path for working 
> directory: " + workDir, ex);
>             rootDir = workDir.getAbsolutePath();
>         }
>         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
>         buf.append( "Client: " ).append( clientspecName ).append( NEWLINE );
>         buf.append( "Root: " ).append( rootDir ).append( NEWLINE );
>         buf.append( "Owner: " ).append( userName ).append( NEWLINE );
>         buf.append( "View:" ).append( NEWLINE );
>         buf.append( "\t" ).append( PerforceScmProvider.getCanonicalRepoPath( 
> repo.getPath() ) );
>         buf.append( " //" ).append( clientspecName ).append( "/..." ).append( 
>         buf.append( "Description:" ).append( NEWLINE );
>         buf.append( "\t" ).append( "Created by maven-scm-provider-perforce" 
> ).append( NEWLINE );
>         return buf.toString();
>     }
> {noformat}
> Otherwise, when used with continuum, the changelog command will never work. 
> The continuum working directory always looks like 
> CONTINUUM_HOME/bin/win32/../../apps/depot/69 when creating the clientspec, 
> and perforce seems not to know how to deal with non-canonical paths, so 
> perforce always just spits out an error message and returns no changes. This 
> sucks because then build complete notifications never get sent.

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