[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2344?page=all ]
Brett Porter closed MNG-2344:

    Resolution: Duplicate

found the right issue this time

> Support for functional/integration tests is *way* too limited
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>          Key: MNG-2344
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2344
>      Project: Maven 2
>         Type: Improvement

>   Components: Design, Patterns & Best Practices
>     Versions: 2.0.4
>     Reporter: Craig McClanahan
>     Assignee: Brett Porter

> I am a recent convert to Maven2 ... after listening to advice from many 
> people I respect (including Wendy Smoak and Brett Porter) we are in the midst 
> of migrating the build environment for the Shale Framework (part of the 
> http://struts.apache.org community) over to Maven2.  For the most part, this 
> has been all goodness ... the dependency management, and the hierarchical 
> dependency resolution, make for a dramatic simplification in the overall 
> environment.
> That being said, there is one major area where I'm really disappointed ... 
> and it's almost enough to tip my personal scale back towards hand crafted Ant 
> builds.  It relates to support for testing of web applications.  My plan is 
> to leverage the Maven2 "archetype" capability to make it very easy to build 
> "starter" web applications that are already set up to use Shale.  To 
> encourage best practices, I want to set up "out of the box" testing for the 
> application to be developed.
> As we all know, this kind of testing can be divided into at least two major 
> categories ... unit tests of the individual server side classes, and 
> functiona/integration tests that want to deploy the application first, then 
> interact with it (using a framework such as HttpUnit or HtmlUnit) to verify 
> that the rendered results match expectations.  In my previous Ant-based build 
> world, I had two different targets ("test" and "systest") that could exercise 
> the two different kinds of tests.  Much to my surprise, it seems to be 
> difficult-to-impossible to set up a similar sceanrio (two kinds of tests) in 
> the same project when you're using Maven2.
> I could live with this (although I'd still grumble a lot) if it was just an 
> issue of the sample apps that we ship with Shale.  I can teach committers to 
> run integration tests from a separate module before doing SVN commits.  But 
> that is *not* what I want to present to potential developers that will build 
> webapps based on a Shale-provided archtetype.  And it shouldn't be what *you* 
> want for Maven2 users in general either ... support for both unit tests and 
> integration tests seems like a mission critical feature that is not 
> adequately supported at present.

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