Inherited plugin executed twice if child pom merges configuration -----------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MNG-2237 URL: Project: Maven 2 Type: Bug Components: Inheritence and Interpolation Versions: 2.0.4 Reporter: Joerg Schaible According the docs the configuration of a plugin is merged, when the plugin is inherited. This actually hapens, but the plugin with the merged configuration is added twice in the effective-pom and therefore executed twice. Setup a parent pom with a plugin configuration to attach the javadocs: {noformat} <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <id>attach-javadocs</id> <goals> <goal>jar</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <inherited>true</inherited> <configuration> <linksource>true</linksource> </configuration> </plugin> {noformat} and a child pom that adds additional elements in the configuration: {noformat} <plugin> <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <links> <link></link> <link></link> <link></link> <link></link> </links> </configuration> </plugin> {noformat} In this case the javadoc is generated twice, the goal help:effective-pom reveals, that the plugin was merged, but added twice. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: