make release:perform upload progress overwrite the previous xxK/yyK uploaded line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MRELEASE-97 URL: Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin Type: Improvement Versions: 2.0-beta-4 Environment: maven 2.0.4, head versions of all plugins, win xp, sun jdk 1.5.0_06 Reporter: Marcel Schutte Attachments:, maven-release-plugin.diff, plexus-utils.diff The current CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine() in plexus-utils uses the StreamPumper class to copy the output of the 'mvn deploy' call. Because this class is line based, it cannot distinguish between a standard newline and a '\r'. Because of this the upload progress doesn't overwrite itself as the download progress usually does, but writes each step on a new line (see MRELEASE-55). I've created 2 patches, one for the release-plugin itself and one for plexus-utils. I'm submitting the plexus-utils patch here as well, because of the direct relation with this report. To test, replace the plexus-utils-1.1.jar in <m2_home>/core with the newly built plexus-utils-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar. After this, import the web project in into CVS and update the scm url in the pom. Perform a release:prepare and release:perform and verify that the upload counter stays on the same line. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: