[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-1323?page=comments#action_63562 ] 

Kenney Westerhof commented on MNG-1323:

Hm.. this problem is really annoying and there is no workaround. Now I even get 
a weirder error:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java_cup.runtime.lr_parser.parse()V
        at org.jacorb.idl.JacIDL.execute(JacIDL.java:356)
        at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)

The org.jacorb.idl stuff AND the java_cup.runtime are both in the same jar 
file! This might be a bug
in Jacorb, but when run from the projects themselves, everything goes OK. 
It doesn't matter if I specify the dependencies in a dependencyManagement in 
the root pom,
or in the project's declaring the plugin themselves.

I even tried the idlj-maven-plugin in mojo's sandbox. It's used twice in the 
entire reactor tree.
The plugin itself does not define the jacorb dependency, so I had to define it. 
I tried <build><extensions>,
root pom's pluginManagement, and both pom's. Since this is the exact same 
plugin with the exact same
deps and configuration, it should work. Unfortunately it doesn't.

Now, about a solution.

M2 currently disposes the PlexusRealm for the plugin after each execution. 
the classloader is set to the 
This classloader/classRealm is NOT disposed of. I'm not sure why the 
PlexusRealm isn't equal to the
pluginDescriptor's classRealm. There should be one access point to manage a 
plugin's execution environment.

If this were fixed, John Casey's comment above about the ArtifactHandlerManager 
comes into play.

A suggestion: We could leave the plugin's declared dependencies in the same 
classloader as the plugin's artifact.
We could add a NEW classloader containing the project's <dependencies> for that 
plugin, and hook that into
the plugin's classloader as a child. After execution, we unhook it (perhaps a 
child PlexusRealm?)

I would really like to get this fixed in 2.0.5. My previous workaround 
(specifying the filename of the dependency
in an ant script's TaskDef tag) doesn't work anymore since 2.0.4.

> Plugin extensions (dependencies) not resolved in reactor build
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>          Key: MNG-1323
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-1323
>      Project: Maven 2
>         Type: Bug

>   Components: Plugins and Lifecycle
>     Versions: 2.0
>     Reporter: Kenney Westerhof
>      Fix For: 2.0.5

> I've added a dependency on an Ant Task in 
> project/build/plugins/plugin[artifactId='maven-antrun-plugin']/dependencies/ 
> and run that anttask using the antrun plugin.
> When run from the project dir itself it runs fine.
> When running from the root of the project tree (reactor build, project one 
> level below root),
> antrun bails out because the taskdef can't be found (not on classpath).
> It looks like the dependency isn't resolved, or not added to the plugins' 
> classrealm.

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