[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-30?page=comments#action_63309 ] 

Paul Spencer commented on MSITE-30:

Is this in part a WAGGON issue since it is in AbstractWaggon.createZip where 
the type compression, either ZIP or GZIP, is set?

A suggestion:
  Allow the plugin/Waggon to determine what is supported on the remote side, 
(zip, gzip, tar,...) and then use what is available.

Paul Spencer

> site:deploy incompatibilities with m1.02
> ----------------------------------------
>          Key: MSITE-30
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-30
>      Project: Maven 2.x Site Plugin
>         Type: Bug

>  Environment: All
>     Reporter: Paul Spencer
>      Fix For: 2.0

> Deploying a site in m2 has changed since m1. 
> 1)  m1 used the "tar" and "gunzip" command on the remote site, where m2 uses 
> the "unzip" command. This poses a problem for be since my remote site does 
> not support the  "unzip" command, thus making the "priority" of this issue 
> major
> 1.1)  Their may be desire to deploy without the use of tools like tar and zip 
> on some site. The deploy would esentailly be a recersive copy
> 2) No equivelent to m1 property maven.site.chmod.mode.  I use this to allow 
> other member is the group update and delete permission
> 3) No equivelent to m1 property maven.site.publish.clean
> Their are other properties for  the m1.02 not mentioned above, but I suspect 
> the they can be calculated from m2 files, i.e. pom.xml and settings.xml.
> Paul Spencer

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