[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-309?page=comments#action_63273 

John Didion commented on CONTINUUM-309:

We too are itching for this feature. I want to implement it, but I'm not sure 
the best way to do it. 

I'm thinking that I'll add to the model a TestResults class that contains total 
tests, total test failures, total test errors, total time, and a list of 
TestCaseResults. Each TestSuiteResult will have test case name, total tests, 
total test failures, total test errors, total time, and a list of TestFailures. 
Each TestFailure will have the test name and the stack track. The vm files for 
the site and email can then use the project's TestResults to show test result 

I would then add logic to the build executor (probably just Maven2, since 
that's what we're using, but others could add the functionality to the other 
builders) to populate the project's TestResults. For Maven2, this would mean
1. getting the working directory from the project
2. finding all files in the working directory (recursively) that match the test 
results pattern (TEST-(class name).xml is the default, although this could be 
3. For each file, use an XML pull parser to read the attributes from the 
testsuite element, and use this to create a TestSuiteResult. If there are 
errors or failures, parse the rest of the file and grab the stack traces and 
create TestFailures from them.

Does this sound like a decent plan?

> add junit results report to website, failures to email
> ------------------------------------------------------
>          Key: CONTINUUM-309
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/CONTINUUM-309
>      Project: Continuum
>         Type: New Feature

>     Reporter: Brett Porter
>      Fix For: 1.1


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